Abstract Submission Portal

Healthcare Summit 2025 | September 8 & 9, 2025 | Prague, Czech Republic

Online Submission Guidelines

All submissions will be reviewed based on technical merit, readability, relevance and originality. If you have any question or queries about the submission process, check the FAQ below or contact us.

Submission Deadlines

First round of Abstract Submission

30 July, 2024

Tracks 1 to 10

  • Vaccination and Immunization
  • Public Health and Nutrition
  • Nursing
  • Women Healthcare
  • Healthcare & Infectious Disease
  • Healthcare Technology and Policy
  • Mental Health and Psychiatry
  • Healthcare System
  • Primary Healthcare
  • Patient Safety and Research

Tracks 11 to 19

  • Digital Healthcare
  • Healthcare and Hospital
  • Racial Disparities in Health Care
  • Cultural Competent Health Care Delivery
  • Health Informatics
  • Obesity and Weight Management
  • Diversity in Healthcare
  • Sports Medicine and Fitness
  • COVID-19

Tracks: 20 to 29

  • Pain Management
  • Occupational Health and safety
  • Geriatrics and Gerontology
  • Regenerative and Restorative Medicine
  • Traditional Medicine
  • OB-GYN
  • Palliative Care
  • Telemedicine and e-health
  • Surgery & Medical Devices
  • Sleep Disorder and Medicine

Submit Abstract | Healthcare Summit 2025

    You can also email your Abstract at "prashant.s@healthcareedges.com"

    Healthcare Summit 2025

    Guidelines for All Participants.

    • Our In-person Conference begins promptly as per the Conference agenda.
    • If you face any technical difficulties, you can chat live anytime with our technical team during the conference days.
    • You can ask your questions for the presenter after every presentation.
    • After you register for the conference, you will receive confirmation  conference details and what to be expected. Please check your junk mail folder if you do not see the email in your inbox if you don’t hear from us for more than 48 hours
    • If you face any difficulties in submitting Abstract online, registration or need assistance, do not hesitate to contact our organizer anytime.
    • For more queries please E-mail at prashant.s@healthcareedges.com


    How to submit an Abstract?

    Send us your abstracts as per the sample template in Abstract Submission page or you can directly email to conference Program Manager.

    Where do I go to submit an abstract?

    You may submit proposals online via our Abstract Submission Portal or you can directly email to conference Program Manager.

    When will I have to proceed for registration?

    After submission of Abstract you will get an acknowledgement from our Program Manager. You can proceed to complete your registration after the acknowledgement.

    May I submit more than one proposal?

    Yes. You may submit more than one proposal and participate in more than one session either in oral or poster session. However, you may not present more than two papers during the conference.

    Do you have any template for paper submission?

    Yes, we have a template for abstract submission. Please download from this link here

    Can I still participate without Submitting the Abstract?

    Yes, you can participate as a Delegate for the conference without submitting any paper.

    How much time will be given for an oral presenter?

    Each Oral Presenter will have 20-25 minutes for presentation including Q/A session

    What language should I speak during presentation?

    The working language of the conference is English.

    Do I get a translator during my presentation?

    Translators will not be available during presentations. If you wish you can get your own translator